About Company Section
The Company Section is for members who are in P7 to S2. We meet on Thursday nights between 7:15pm and 9:30pm in Condorrat Parish Church hall.
The Company Section allows members to further develop and offers a wide range of activities for the boys to take part in. These include old favourites like team games and marching as well as new challenges such as cooking and model making. Boys also work towards Discovery Awards.
The Discovery Programme is split into three different sections which are Community, Recreation and Skills. The awards available as part of the Discovery Programme are as follows.
The Compass Badge (1st year in Company Section),
The Discovery Badge (2nd year in Company Section),
Section Awards for Community, Recreation and Skills (Levels 1,2 and 3).
The President's Badge (the second highest award a boy in the brigade can achieve) can be earned at the end of a members 4th year in the Company Section. Boys can also enrol in the Bronze level of the Duke of Edinburgh Award when they are 14.
The Company Section staff team consists of Officer in Charge MrJ Porritt and Lieutenant Mr K Tromans.
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